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Wheat and ancient grain variety tests

Experiences with winter wheat and ancient grain variety tests in organic agriculture.

Advantages of producing »» emmer and einkorn «« in organic agriculture. Watch our video available with English subtitles! Click on the link below! 

As part of this year online Field Days, organic farmer Dr. László Palík, a member of ÖMKi's on-farm network, presented his experiences with winter wheat and ancient grain variety tests.

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2020. July 24.

Baking bread from ancient grains at the Jenői Bakery

Good for our health and for the Earth! Why emmer and einkorn are cereals of the future and how to make good bread of them? Watch our video! English subtitbles are available.

2020. July 22.

Use and processing of local wheat varieties

Use and processing of local wheat varieties at Eleven Porta - Benefits of stone mills 

2020. November 3.

New organic testing network launched for wheat varieties

To make up for a particular knowledge gap, the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) has launched a research network, in close cooperation with the National Bureau of Food Chain Security (NÉBIH), the Hungarian Seed Association (HSA), as well as seed distribution companies and prominent domestic grain research and propagation centers.



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