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Professional Forum on Organic Soybean Cultivation

ÖMKi has established a goal of developing sustainable, low-input, organic soybean production in a project implemented with the support of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the practical implementation of which started in 2020, involving four soybean farms.

Both the biological basis and the cultivation techniques of organic soybean production need to be examined, because, similarly to conventional soybean cultivation, organic farming could increase both the volume and yield of crops and reduce yield fluctuations, which make profitability difficult to predict.

To this end, in 2020 we set up field experiments on four farms, where we examined certain elements of cultivation technique (tillage, soil control, weed control) and also the most suitable varieties for organic cultivation.

Previously, we held a professional day on these topics on September 10, 2020, in Püski and Győrsövényháza. Due to the pandemic situation, these were focused on outdoor activities, during which we looked at the variety tests carried out by one of our EIP partners in the Mosonmagyaróvár area, and the cultivation machinery at one of the region's organic farms, where for several years soy has been one of their primary crops.

As a continuation of this program, ÖMKi organised the Organic Cereal and Soy Growing Section as part of the first day's program at the sectoral conference of starting on 30 September 2020, held on-line as a consequence of the pandemic situation. In the section, ÖMKi staff and farmers could also share their experiences on this specialist topic. After a presentation by Éva Borbélyné Hunyadi, professional leader of the project “Development of complex technology for organic and low-input soybean production”, farmers reported their practical experience of critical elements such as tillage, variety selection, input material efficiency, weed control and project participation, and the farm participating in the project also presented in detail the applied agricultural techniques.

The approximately 90 participants were also able to learn about the different varieties and agricultural techniques used on the farms and studied during the project. Participants were able to ask questions of the speakers, and answers were given at the end of the presentations.

Overall, we have been able to implement a very effective program that complements the previous field event with valuable experiences, thoughts and suggestions, which we hope to build on in the coming year.

Our soybean research are partly supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas.

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