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ömki, solace, organic, organic potato, potato growing   2020. January 8. News

Our experiments on growing organic potatoes continue

Farmers participating in the on-farm potato experiments of the SolACE project got together on the first of December with our colleague, the project leader Orsolya Papp. 

The aim of this meeting was to summarize and evaluate the results of the past year and to design our next experiments. Taking into consideration the experiences gained so far and the factors that make potato growing difficult, a product that should help to mitigate drought damage and a complex microbiological agent are going to be tested this year.

The professional meeting was followed by a “mini course” about the use of the MÉM-NAK nutrient supply system. This calculation tool allows farms to plan nutrient supplies based on the results of actual soil samples.

Benefits for organic farms

These annual professional meetings not only benefit farmers, because of common data analysis and interactive trainings, but also because they provide an opportunity to share practical experiences and ideas. Out of the four participating farms, two apply no-till farming methods, and the participants exchanged a lot of useful information on this topic too.

The potato experiments are part of our SolACE project in which we are investigating new plant varieties and agrotechnologies that can ensure a sufficient product yield even in the event of stress caused by both a lack of water and of nutrients.


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