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Organic nutrient replenishment

The development of organic nutrient replenishment techniques in horticultural crops

Over the last decade, ever greater attention has been paid to maintaining soil fertility and maintaining the soil’s productive capacity, since 95% of our food is ultimately tied to the soil. Organic farming employs complex, organic nutrient replenishment and yield enhancers – methods of nutrient replenishment which can be adapted to both integrated and conventional farms. Given the diverse range of commercially available nutrient-replacement and yield-enhancing products which are also licensed for use in organic farming, now is a good time for producers to review, renew and optimize their nutrient replenishment practices.


  • A multifaceted study of the most commonly used, commercially available granular organic fertilizers and microbial inoculation products, as well as new nutrient supplements in horticultural crops, with particular attention to nutrient content mobilization, changes in soil microbial activity, and their impact on yield and quality.
  • Building a knowledge base of sustainable nutrient replenishment expertise, based on soil sample test results. The identification of products missing from the range of nutrient supplements, and making recommendations for their replacement. The development of nutrient management software, and ensuring that it is available to farmers.

Expected results

  • Gap-filling data on the optimal application of both new and already widely available nutrient replacement and soil-inoculating microbial products in connection with horticultural crops.
  • Technical publications on their practical implementation.
  • Expert advice on sustainable nutrient replenishment.
  • Eco-friendly, innovative nutrient replenishment software.
  • Training events and professional days for the benefit of farmers, advisors and input companies.

Kontakt személy

Katalin Allacherné Szépkuthy

senior consultant


+36 30 147 0430

Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki Hálózat

The implementation of the research is supported by Hungarian National Rural Network (MNVH): www.videkihalozat.eu

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