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Boosting the bioeconomy transformation for the BIOEAST region - BOOST4BIOEAST

Funding: Horizon Europe, European Commission, Coordination and Support Action

Coordinator: Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi)

Consortium partners: The consortium is composed of 30 partners from 17 EU countries (11 BIOEAST countries + Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain).

Duration: January 2024 – December 2026


Boosting the bioeconomy transformation for the BIOEAST region

The BOOST4BIOEAST project – coordinated by the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) – was developed to support the BIOEAST Initiative and aims to empower national stakeholders in the Central Eastern European and Baltic countries for the development of national bioeconomy action plans and to build long-lasting structures and spaces of dialogue for national and macro-regional cooperation.

The project follows the footsteps of its predecessor, the BIOEASTsUP H2020 project, building upon its outcomes that laid the foundation for macro-regional networking among bioeconomy experts and policymakers through the development of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (BIOEAST SRIA) and 11 Bioeconomy Concept Papers of 2022.

At the core of the project, there is the need to establish or improve national bioeconomy expert communities (BIOEAST HUBs) as focal points of capacity building and catalyst for stakeholder engagement at national level for decision-making through participatory processes. In the next three years, the HUBs will be engaged in the development of national bioeconomy action plans, and in fostering national bioeconomy innovation ecosystems through cross-sectoral collaboration, capacity building and facilitating access to knowledge and networks to all bioeconomy stakeholders. Furthermore, at macro-regional level, they will contribute to the BIOEAST Thematic Working Groups’s (TWGs) specific strategic areas (Agroecology, Bioenergy and New Value Added Materials, Food Systems, Forestry Value Chains, Freshwater Bioeconomy, Bio-based Materials and Education) in updating the BIOEAST SRIA from 2022.

Objectives of the project:

  1. To boost the active participation of all stakeholders and relevant, existing networks in bioeconomy policy development, through the national BIOEAST HUBs.

  2. To co-develop and improve 11 national bioeconomy action plans and programmes.

  3. To identify the possibilities of increasing the national investments in research, innovation and in education related to the bioeconomy, fostering multi-actor approach and cooperation across the macro-region.

  4. To enrich and enhance bioeconomy-related knowledge by assessing educational needs, bioeconomy competences, biomass availability and innovation systems through a region-wide multidimensional analysis and expanding the network of BIOEAST UniNet.

  5. To contribute to the European Research Area (ERA) by promoting a single, borderless market for research, innovation, and technology across the BIOEAST macro-region.

  6. To develop and launch an online Knowledge Platform incorporating available bioeconomy-related knowledge on and from the BIOEAST macro-region.

ÖMKi is the coordinator of the project responsible for strategic steering, general, technical, and logistical management of project implementation. ÖMKi shares the coordination with Sustainable Innovations (Spain) who specifically deals with the financial aspects of the project.

Besides coordination, ÖMKi also leads a work package (WP6) tasked with the development of an updating system for the BIOEAST SRIA, which defines the bioeconomy-related research and innovation priorities of the BIOEAST macro-region. ÖMKi is, moreover, responsible for monitoring and evaluating the activities of national HUBs and macro-regional TWGs as well as coordinating the development of national bioeconomy action plans.

ÖMKi continues to co-coordinate the Agroecology TWG together with the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, therefore ensuring the realisation of TWG-related tasks and expectations defined by the project.


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